Meet the Team
Fluke Biomedical, LANDAUER and RaySafe lead the market through innovative products that address our customer needs, and help keep them and their clients safe. We provide the tools to address increasing regulatory guidelines, higher quality standards, and rapid technological growth.

Fluke Biomedical
Fluke Biomedical is the premier, global provider of healthcare test and measurement equipment and services. We serve biomedical engineers, quality-assurance technicians, medical physicists, oncologists and radiation-safety professionals, and are continually expanding our range of solutions for a broader range of health and safety professionals. We are all about taking measurements that matter, making sure all medical equipment is correctly functioning and is safe to use.

RaySafe is the global leader of X-ray quality assurance solutions to help protect patients and staff from unnecessary radiation. Our solutions are designed to minimize the need for user interaction, bringing unprecedented simplicity and usability to the X-ray room. We’re committed to establishing a radiation safety culture wherever technicians, medical staff and patients encounter radiation.

LANDAUER is committed to improving public health and safety by advancing research, technology, and services related to radiation measurement and medical physics. Proprietary technologies like our digital dosimetry platform and leading optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technology for measuring radiation exposure are setting the standard of radiation safety. Everything we do is focused on providing peace of mind to organizations and individuals with exposure to ionizing radiation by monitoring, reporting on, and servicing for radiation exposure.

Victoreen (NuPow) Nuclear Power Business Unit
Victoreen instruments are the trusted source for radiation monitoring systems and quality assurance for nuclear power professionals. We provide continuous area monitors, radiation detectors, process monitors and remote indicators and alarms, featuring technology designed specifically for the nuclear power industry. A wide range of solutions help maintain Code of Federal Regulations-compliant facilities. Victoreen delivers the safety, reliability and quality needed to guarantee top performance for the global atomic energy community.