The Making of the RaySafe 452
Q&A with Product Specialist, Ed Brand
How have survey meters/radiation detectors evolved over the last few years?
Survey meters have been around forever, with some that have been in use seemingly forever. For perspective, Fluke models 451P and 451B entered the arena in the early 2000s following their predecessor, the 450. Evolution has been at a snail’s pace. Nearly all meters are built using ion chambers, GM tubes, or scintillators. The Fluke 452 is among the first to integrate two existing technologies to build a radiation survey meter. It has required years of testing, and we are just breaking the ice of what could be.
What inspired the creation of the 452?
The 451P and some other survey meters are classified as hazmat (hazardous material), due to the pressurized ion chambers used in the devices. As a result, there is a very difficult shipping process and shipping fees are extremely high. You almost need a Ph.D. in FedEx to ship it while pressurized. Also, the 451 models can under respond when measuring at low energies so manual energy corrections need to be applied to the reading To accommodate a greater need for a variety of measurements and no-hassle shipping, we now have the 452 – no pressurized ion chamber, yet delivering quality performance in various measurement scenarios.
What are the main differences between the 451 and 452?
The 451P/451B and 452 survey meters are great devices, but in many cases, the 452 will be a better choice. Here are a few features of the 452 that could influence your choice: Automatic data storage Rechargeable battery (included) Measures Air Kerma and H*(10) in Sieverts, Röntgen, Gray, rem, or rad.
Where can the 452 be used?
The 452 can be used anywhere where radiation is present: hospitals, nuclear power plants, airports (nondestructive testing), etc. Why should you upgrade to the 452? The RaySafe 452 radiation survey meter offers: Better energy response and high sensitivity reduces the risk of underestimating dose, minimizing the risk of attaining inaccurate readings Hassle-free transportation and shipping, compared to pressurized devices, which is important when sending in devices for service, repairs, and calibration A modern computer interface and easy data export for report generation and data analysis.
What makes the 452 different from other survey meters on the market?
The combination of these features: High sensitivity Fast response time Wide dose-rate range Wide and flat energy response A lot of instruments are great at 1 or 2, but it is difficult to combine all 4 to create a versatile product.
If you’d like to learn more about the 452 technology, please enjoy this white paper.
Looking for a new meter? Check out the RaySafe 452 Radiation Survey Meter.