Too high kV reading on some GE systems with collimator made in China from 2010 onwards

Some GE systems manufactured in China from 2010 onwards has a K9 Barium glass mirror in the collimator. When measuring with RaySafe Xi (verified on base unit firmware 5.27 and higher) on these systems, you need to correct the kV value.
1. Calculate the correction factor (CF) using the formula:
2. Multiply the correction factor (CF) with the measured kV to get a corrected kV value:
RaySafe Xi measures 104 kV.
The corrected kV value is 100.9 kV.
Measured kV | Correction Factor | Corrected kV |
50.0 | 0.995 | 49.8 |
60.0 | 0.991 | 59.5 |
70.0 | 0.986 | 69.0 |
80.0 | 0.981 | 78.5 |
90.0 | 0.977 | 87.9 |
100.0 | 0.971 | 97.1 |
110.0 | 0.967 | 106.4 |
120.0 | 0.962 | 115.4 |
130.0 | 0.957 | 124.4 |
140.0 | 0.952 | 133.3 |
150.0 | 0.948 | 142.2 |
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