Automation with a Lifepak 20 defibrillator with the ESA615 Electrical Safety Analyzer

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Test Automation with a Lifepak 20 defibrillator with the ESA615 Electrical Safety Analyzer
Video Transcription

Good morning. Today we're going to work with the Fluke Biomedical ESA615, and we're going to use the automated sequence on it to test this Lifepak defibrillator LP20 for electrical safety. The first thing we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and power on the ESA615. It's going to do a self-check. Now it's complete, it's going to bring up what the last test is. Across this top line here, we'll see what all the ports correspond to. These are saying these are for ECG testing, and these two are for paddle testing, at the end. The test that's currently selected in there is an IEC62353 direct for a defibrillator with five patient connections.


We're going to want to change a few things here. The reason we want to change it is, if we are to use all these blocks across the top, our defibrillator has the snap adapters. So we're going to standard snap adapter from our kit. If we put this across here like such to hook in the ECG snaps, you'll notice on the end there's two more ECG snaps. The problem with that is to use the hands free adapter for the defibrillator, you need this connector. This is on the defibrillator. So you would use our hands free adapter from the Impulse 1000 kit and it connects them to here like this. There you go. But then when you go to the end, you can't put them in because these are bananas and you fill them up with snaps.


So what we're going to do is we're going to get into the test sequence and alter that. So let's just go ahead and remove this for now and remove the ECG leads. What I'm going to do is pan back a little bit. What I'm going to do is I'm going to use a standard off-the-shelf USB keyboard. I'm going to connect this into the side of the ESA615. The reason I want to do that is because now instead of having to use the keys on the ESA615 to trigger, I can now use the keys on the keyboard. So that said, let's go back to our test library, F3. We're going to go down to our 62353 defibrillator direct. We're going to hit F2 to view or edit.


All right, so now that we're in here, we can go down and we can see everything that is entailed in this test. Five patient connections is all good, test speed good. All of these things are good. Right here's one that we might want to change, pause after power on. No, I'm actually going to change that to yes. So I'm going to hit F1 to edit it. Now we're going to start back over. So we're back to the beginning so we'll make sure we keep everything the same. So the 62353-direct, that's correct. So we hit next step, this is a defibrillation. It's a class-1 device next. It's going to highlight the ones who are already in there. So if you don't want to alter it, just keep selecting it.


Now here's one that we're going to change. Here is the ECG. It's using the first three ports and it says it's not tied and type CF. So what we're going to do in order to pull this test off is we're going to use the 1210 adapter. We'll put this other block on here. What this allows us to do is connect 10 ECG leads through one port. It bars them together. So what we're going to do is we're going to go through and we're going to delete this step real quick. So F3 to delete it. Yes, I am sure I want to delete it. We're going to create a new step, F2. Now we're going to title this ECG 1210, because we're going to use the 1-to-10 adapters. We're going to patient connections, one, because we only need one now, because we're only using the one port. Okay. We're going to make them tied. That indicates that all those leads are tied together and the type is BF and F1 for done.


Now we're going to go down to... so right here we have our new ECG, and it shows which port it's connected to, but now you'll see while reading here, you'll see at the top line it says paddles. The top line you see says paddles. Here's a new ECG, that's good, but we're not using paddles. Remember we're using the hands free adapter. We're using the hands free adapter. So, let's just change that term while we're in here.


So we're going to hit delete since this one's the one that's highlighted, you can see be the arrow key, paddles is highlighted. We can delete that part and we're going to remember that it's not tied and type BF. That we want to keep the same a well as the number of ports. So delete, F3, yes. Now we're going to create a new one, F2 and we're going to call it defib hands free. And then going down to patient connections we hit the down arrow and enter and there's two patient connections and they're not tied, they're going to be tested individually. And that type, remember, was BF. So there we go. So essentially the only thing we did is we changed the title of it and everything else is the same. It's going to show the two ports it's going to connect to now, right here. And we're going to hit F1 for done.


So now you can see the ECG is on the first port and the hands free is on the next two ports. So we're going to go ahead and hit next step, F1, and we're going to move through the rest of the tests to make sure there's nothing else you want to change. Test be normal. Test mode, all that's good. Now I want to alter this. I want it to halt after power on. That allows me to turn the defibrillator on by turning this to yes. When it's time to turn the defibrillator on, it'll pause a sequence and tell me to turn it on. And then here, where it says pause after power off, I'm going to turn this to yes. So it'll tell me to turn the defibrillator off. If not it's just going to go through and I'm going to have to be watching it and have to turn it off and on.


But this will give me a reminder to do it. And then we're going to keep the test, everything else, we're going to keep the same. So we're just going to hit F1 for next. And now here's the title. Let's change this. So what it is, it took our original title and added today's date. Well that's great, but this is a test that my other technicians are going to use. So we're going to go ahead and edit this so they know exactly what we're doing and the date's kind of confusing for them. So we're going to say direct defibrillator and here we'll get rid of the date, and let's put in instead, let's call it hands free, 1210.


There we go. And that would mean... I see a mistake there. The 3D didn't come in and this is how easy it is to fix things. Just deleted them out, hands free, space, 1210apt and that would mean it's a defibrillator with the hands free and the 1210 adapter. So my technicians will know which one to use in the future. And we're going to hit F1 for done. There's a name we can review it, F1 for next step and there it is. You can review, go down through if we need to change anything we can edit it, but we know it's good. So scroll through.


Everything looks good. All right, so we're going to save it, F1. And that's saved now. All right, so at the top now, you can now see my operator. I'm just going to be John Biomed today and the name of the defibrillator, the name of the test is the 62353 standard direct defibrillator hands-free. We're going to follow the IEC62353 load. And it's ESA615. It's a class one device and we're going to use three patient connections because we're going to hook all of the ECG to the 1210 adapter. So hit F1 for next.


And again, this equipment number is 1234 and the serial number was test123. The manufacturer is Medtronic, so we're just typing in MED, the model LP20. Location biomed and other, it has a battery issue. And now let's start F1 for starting. I don't know the last time this was used. I don't know that this cable's been changed. We recommend we zero it every 30 days. So let's go ahead and we're going to zero the cable by pushing F1. Now it says connected direct to the ESA615 to accessible earth conductive point for protective earth ground wires instance test, earth bond. So at this point we're going to go ahead and hook up our defibrillator.


So, here's the power cord for the defibrillator. We'll plug this into the side. Our red alligator clip, we're going to take from the null pin and we're going to go to the ground pit on the back of the defib. While I'm here and I'm thinking of it, I'm going to go ahead and hook up the rest of my connections. So I have my hands free adapter and I can see off the top, there's these two ports and my ECG goes off of this port. Then I'm going to connect and we have reached [inaudible 00:12:00] the 1210 adapter. Press F1 for test.


Now the ESA615 is going to go through and perform all of the safety tests that are pre-programmed. These are the ones we set up into it. Test remains voltage, delay after powering on unit. So it says halt after power on, so we're going to power it on. Now the defibrillator's powered on and we are going to push F1 for continue.


Testing the ECG leakage, and now our hands free leakage. You can see the two ports is selected.


Halt after power off. So we're going to power off the defibrillator and continue.


It says halt power on. So power on and continue. Halt after power off. Power off and continue. And now, you can see that our test has been completed. So we're going to push F1 for next. And here's the name of our test that you see the 1234. That's the current number, the date and the time. So we're going to go into F1 to save it and it's saved into our test records. So when we go back to her biomed shop, we can pull that information back off.


That is how to check the test records in the ESA615, modify them, save them for the next technician, and go ahead and perform and save the data. Thank you.

Fluke Biomedical
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