This read me file contains last minute information for Fluke Biomedical's Ansur
QA-90 Plug-In.
communication problems
In version 1.5.2 communication time out settings have been added to the
registry in order to enable the user to resolve further USB communication
problems. These settings are placed in HKLM\Software\Fluke\Ansur\QA-90\MTI.
They can be used as follows:
- If the QA-90 is not
listed when scanning ports in AnsurMLC increase CTO_QueryMTI
(default value is 200ms)
- If the QA-90 is listed
in AnsurMLC, but the test never starts increase CTO_InitRemote
(default value is 6000ms) and/or CTO_Default (default value is
- If there is a problem
restarting tests and the QA-90 never leaves remote mode increase CTO_EndRemote
(default value is 200ms)
Power off delay
time workaround
The QA-90 Test Sequence has a parameter called "Power off delay
time" which can be used to add a delay at the end of the sequence. When
using this feature, you will need to add 6 seconds to any delay you specify.
This is because the QA-90 incorrectly processes the value being provided for
this delay. For example, if a 2 second delay is desired, use 8 instead. If 5
seconds of delay is required, enter 11 as the value. Using a delay of 6 or
less will result in no delay happening at all.
Note: This workaround only applies to the Power off delay
time, not the Power up delay time.
This chapter describes the changes made between each new released version.
Release 2.2.3
- Bug Fix: Enabling Next
button after the completion of the test.
- Bug Fix: Freezing
at the end of the insulation resistance test.
- Bug Fix: After
clicking on Stepwise test in test guide, the added applied parts in
Module setup are not visible.
- Bug Fix: If limit
check box is un-checked and the report type is condensed, the print
report freezes and will not print.
Release 2.2.2
- Bug fix for MTR &
MTS files generated by an older version of the Plug-In (older than
v2.2.0) was not opening.
- Removed settings for
“Create one service record per module”.
- Included User manual
- Resolved DLL compatibilities.
- Included default
templates into Ansur Test library.
Release 2.2.1
- Implemented
configuring "Patient Lead Configuration" in custom setup.
- Implemented common
format for ESA Plug-Ins.
- BugFix to print 1 amp
for protective earth test in print report.
Release 2.2.0
- Improvement made to
printed reports - Limits data will now appear next to the result data.
The separate Limits section has been eliminated.
- Made corrections to
the installation program to include standards names that were omitted
from v2.1.2.
Release 2.1.2
- Made corrections to
the installation program.
Release 2.1.1
- Added support for the
1 Amp Protective Earth Test.
Release 2.1.0
- Upgraded the test
guide to support the new test guide toolbar introduced with Ansur V2.4.
- The Plug-In now
supports COM ports with a port number greater than 16.
Release 2.0.0
- Altered names and
graphics for Fluke version.
- User-interface
upgraded to comply with Ansur v2.0 standards (Blue Ocean color scheme)
Release 1.5.3
- User manual is now included
in the installation set.
- Bugfix: Incorrect
module name was printed on the report. This was due to an inappropriate
translation and has been fixed.
- Removed an
installation note that no longer applies from the installation set.
Release 1.5.2
- Fixed a problem where
the safety test stops when the computer is busy with other operations.
- Reworked communication
to avoid problems with non-compliant USB<->RS232 adapters.
- Communication time out
settings added to registry to enable the user to resolve further USB
communication problems.
Release 1.5.1
- Test guide updated so
that only tests that will be run are displayed in the test result view.
- The test currently
being run is now highlighted in the test guide.
- It is no longer
possible to step inside a test group that should not be performed.
Release 1.5.0
- Added support for
AnsurMLC Version 2.X.
- Improved error
handling in communication so that the Plug-In does not hang if the QA-90
does not respond.
- Optimized communication
time out values to provide faster response.
- Changed communication
buffers to avoid loss of events and data on Windows NT.
- Updated test guide so
that measurements to be carried out are displayed before the test is
- Fixed a bug where existing
test results were not displayed in the test guide.
- Fixed a bug so that
the Enter key works as expected in the test guide.
- Test guide now
supports Ansur's common test guide settings (always on top, show in task
- Fixed a bug where
existing test results were not displayed in the test guide.
- Reworked status
handling so that test results are saved correctly when a test has status
Release 1.4.6
- Removed predefined
limits for VDE standards.
- Updated HEI95 limits.
- Added Test Template
Library with QA-90 templates.
Release 1.4.5
- Fixed a bug where the
result of a test filtered out with module filter incorrectly was set to
pass. The test will now remain not performed and will not show in the
test record's test results.
Release 1.4.4
- Insulation Resistance
- Applied Parts test now operational.
Release 1.4.2
- The restore button no
longer crashes the application.
- Insulation Resistance
limits and results now have unit MOhm.
- Test Guide: Cntl N
toolbar shortcut now behaves correctly.
Release 1.4.1
- Non-module testing: If
no module setup defined and the user asks that modules are run
separately, the application will run through the non-module tests
Release 1.4.0
- VDE patient leads test
now performed correctly.
- PLC and PAC: DC tests
now available.
Language Changes
This chapter describes the changes made to the language file in each new
The list includes only versions where the language file was changed.
Release 2.1.1
Release 2.1.0
- Altered: 20302, 20311,
20554, 20555
- New: 20305, 20306
- Deleted: 20328 -
20332, 20353 - 20355
Release 1.5.3
- Text 20311 has been
- Texts 20301 - 20304
are new.
- Texts 20710 - 20711
has been removed as they are no longer in use.
- Texts 29504 through
29507 including 29511 has been removed.
- Changed escape code
"/n" to "\n" in 29540.
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Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.