90-12 energy compensated Geiger-Mueller probe
The Model 90-12 is a rugged, lightweight, energy compensated, general-purpose Geiger-Mueller (GM) tube based hand held probe, with beta shields. This probe is designed to fulfill a variety of radiation measurement needs. The adjustable beta shield is a 360\u00ba shield with a linear movement to permit is crimination between penetrating and non-penetrating radiation. The two windows expose an angle of 180\u00ba total in the most sensitive area of the GM tube. With the shield open, the probes measure beta, x-rays, and gamma rays. With the beta shield closed, the probes measure penetrating x-rays and gamma rays. A coiled coaxial cable connects these probes to a wide variety of Fluke Biomedical survey meters. The energy compensation feature permits accurate exposure rate measurements from low to high energies, at rates less than 1 R/hr.
This product has been discontinued.
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