Anesthesia Quality Assurance 101

Anesthesia delivery systems play a pivotal part in helping patients with surgical procedures. From providing anesthesia to monitoring the patient's vitals, these systems must be regularly tested for quality assurance.

Learn more about our gas flow analyzers and ventilator testers.

Best Practices of Anesthesia Testing

Anesthesia quality assurance is a critical component of patient safety during surgical procedures. Comprehensive anesthesia quality assurance programs can help healthcare providers cut down on risks associated with the medicine while providing the highest level of care for patients. Our informative webinar “Anesthesia Quality Assurance 101” goes into detail about this topic including:

  1. The history of anesthesia
  2. Anesthesia delivery systems
    1. How each component functions
    2. What can go wrong with each component
  3. How to conduct proper preventive maintenance
  4. Best practices for anesthesia quality assurance

So, why should you test anesthesia delivery systems?

Listen to Fluke Biomedical senior product managers Michael Raiche and Mike Nguyen answer this question and others in our Anesthesia Quality Assurance 101 Webinar below. You can receive 1 ACI credit for watching.

Anesthesia Quality Assurance 101: Function and Testing Webinar

Why Does Fluke Biomedical Offer Webinars?

Fluke Biomedical has been a leader in the biomedical medical device testing industry for decades and is committed to helping others stay up-to-date with industry standards. Our experts are a wealth of knowledge and we want to share that with others in this field. Aside from these webinars, we offer free educational resources through Advantage Training.

Fluke Biomedical
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